


Since opening in 2005, 该博物馆通过与非洲的联系来庆祝所有人的普遍联系, the cradle of humankind. As one of the designers behind the museum, Deborah Sussman of Sussman/Prejza, 把它, “MoAD is essentially a place of storytelling. 它是关于人和他们的经历,而不是一堆文物.”

A Museum with a Mission

博物馆扩大了散居侨民的原始故事,重点关注来自不同散居侨民的艺术家, whether they be Afro-Cuban, 亚非国家的, 加勒比黑人, or African-American. Since its inception, MoAD的使命是帮助讲述非洲侨民的故事,它遵循四个主题:

  • Origin - Looking at the African roots of contemporary social, 定义现代散居的艺术和文化表达形式和实践.
  • Movement - Tracing the social, 通过各种形式的艺术散居的文化和艺术线索.
  • 适应-通过创造性的再创造探索适应的各种方式, 创新, and cultural resiliency.
  • 转型-看看非洲人后裔如何形成新的身份, defined their place, and made their mark on new communities and societies.



With a host of new exhibitions rotating through MoAD annually, the museum always presents a new experience, even for frequent visitors to the museum. 他们的展览旨在展示那些在其他美国艺术中可能未被充分展示的作品.S. 博物馆. 这种全球性的意图产生了包括中东和非洲艺术家在内的展览, as well as artists who may be in the early stages of their career.

According to Mark Sabb, MoAD's director of marketing and communications, 许多在博物馆展出作品的艺术家仍然健在, 和y often attend previews and special events at the museum. 这种接近艺术家的机会在大多数机构中是罕见的. 一定要看看新兴艺术家画廊,它支持MoAD培养贝博体彩app湾区艺术家的倡议.


Throughout the year, MoAD is an active community calendar. It is an anchor for celebrations honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. every January and ongoing Black History Month events in February. The museum also offers numerous workshops, 系列电影, panel discussions and its lively chef-in-residence program.

What to See at MoAD


As you approach MoAD, 抬头看看“珠宝盒”玻璃幕墙,看到一个孩子的脸,在表面上闪闪发光. Based on a photograph taken by The New York Times’s Chester Higgins, Jr. the three-story mural is, in fact, more than the face of a child; it is the face of many. The mural is comprised of 2,100 photographs submitted by people of the Diaspora, reproduced in 8-by-8-inch squares.

First Floor Gallery

一楼画廊总是安装了一个展览,位于连接MoAD和瑞吉酒店的走廊上. 最近的装置包括大卫·阿贾耶(David Adjaye)的摄影展, 他是华盛顿国家非裔美国人历史文化博物馆的首席设计师, D.C., and one devoted to Jimi Hendrix. 进入这个区域是免费的,并向游客介绍博物馆的全部内容.

The Toni Rembe Freedom Theater

In this darkened theater, no images are projected. 坐在长凳上, 听众会听到非洲裔男女的叙述,其中包括著名作家玛雅·安杰洛, 谁来介绍这九个人的故事. They include Mary Prince, the first black British woman to publish a record of her experiences; and Francis Bok, 的作者 Escape from Slavery他七岁时在阿拉伯民兵袭击他的村庄时被绑架并沦为奴隶.

I’ve Known Rivers: The MoAD Story Project

这个展览展示了关于非洲人后裔的原始叙述. Among the first postings is a story about photographer Jack T. Franklin’s work and photo essays on jazz legends. 最新的收藏(第五卷)是为了保存早期非裔美国拓荒者在贝博体彩app的故事 海景区的 将自决的遗产传递给新一代.


MoAD is located on the first three floors of the St. Regis Hotel, just steps from the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, The Moscone Center, Yerba Buena Center for the 艺术, the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial and several other 博物馆 including the American 装订博物馆California Historical SocietyChildren’s Creativity Museum 和 Contemporary Jewish Museum.

Nearby restaurants include 琥珀色的印度, situated at the entrance of Yerba Buena Lane; and 阿斯特拉,它提供精致的美国菜的灵感来自加州最新鲜的时令食材. 沿着霍华德街也有许多餐馆,包括 跟踪, located in the W San Francisco, and , noted for their modern take on traditional Chinese dishes.

Fast Facts About MoAD

Address and Contact

San Francisco, CA 94105


Open Wednesday-Saturday, 11 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sunday, noon-5 p.m. Closed Monday-Tuesday and major holidays.


  • 成人:10美元
  • Seniors, students, and educators: $5
  • Children under 12: Free
  • Active duty military: Free


Muni Metro or BART to the Montgomery Street station, which is a few blocks from MoAD.


MoAD is fully accessible via wheelchair. Elevators offer access between all levels. 参观期间可借用轮椅(视情况而定).


Groups of 10 to 30 people can be accommodated. 参观时间为一小时,可以安排在周三、周四和周五. The first tour begins at 11 a.m. 和 latest begins at 4 p.m. Group discounts available.


No food outlets on premises.


MoAD市场的特色是来自被认为是非洲侨民的国家的小礼物,包括珠宝, small stuffed animals, 书, 和音乐. Coffee buffs can also purchase Red Bay Coffee, 这是一种流行的“第三波”烘焙,其中包括来自坦桑尼亚甜蜜团结农场的咖啡豆,该农场是由大卫·罗宾逊创立的, son of famous baseball slugger, 杰基·罗宾森.

Author 布伦达·塔克

布伦达·塔克是贝博体彩app旅游艺术营销总监. She has lived in San Francisco since 1998, after driving cross-country to a home she secured sight unseen. Brenda enjoys swimming out-of-doors year-round, being inspired by the incredible art scene in the City, and living in the best place on earth.